Terms and Conditions of Service for WCI Support Desk

This website is not affiliated or under any contracts with the WordPress Foundation or its parent company Automattic, Inc.

Welcome to WCI Support Desk. This website is owned and operated by Website Creators Inc. By visiting this website, you hereby declare that you have access to our information, our materials, products or services offered to you and support we provide you with and that you clearly understand to agree and accept our website’s following terms and conditions as mentioned in this policy (hereafter referred to as ‘User Agreement’) and be bound by these terms of service.

This agreement is in effect as of “Website 1st May, 2016”

We “Website Creators Inc reserve the privilege to modify the terms and conditions stated under this User Agreement from time to time without prior notice.  You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to read thoroughly and fully understand these terms stated in the User Agreement and that you periodically familiarize yourself with the understanding of the terms.

Responsible Use and Conduct

Whether directly or indirectly, the tools, supports services and products that we offer you through this site (hereafter referred to as ‘Services’), you already agree to use these Services under the terms of the User Agreement and wherever there are Applicable laws, Rules and Regulations mentioned and general online practices/guidelines are required; you intend to be bound to follow the code.

Wherein, you understand that:

a. You are required to give us your identification, contacts details, numbers and other credentials if required when registering your account with us to have access to our Services and you hereby declare that there won’t be no falsification/duplication of any information that your are required to share with us for the registration purpose and that you will provide accurate, true and updated information with us.

b. You are bound to safe-guard your credentials/login details that you use to login to our site for accessing to the Services we provide you with. And, the responsibilities that come to you with the account that you hold to enter our site are as follows underneath from this point along.

c. You must use our given access method i.e. account created with us to login at all times you feel necessary to see our Services but you must never use any other unethical method such as automated system login using bots or hacking into our servers backdoor etc. which may lead to penalise you with heavy jurisdictions if found guilty or whatsoever.

d. Engaging in any hacking activity that could disrupt our Services or website including our servers and networks to which our Resources are located or connected, is strictly prohibited.

e. Attempting to copy, duplicate, reproduce, sell, trade, or resell our Website Services is strictly prohibited.

f. You are solely responsible for any damage or consequences that if we ever incur loss or damage to our company by any misconduct or unauthorized activity done by you. As mentioned above, there could be criminal and civil liability if damage is done by your side and you declare to have understood this while signing up.

g. Our website may have open communicating platforms amongst users such as forums, blog posts, social media networking facilities, product reviews and comments section etc which we do not pre-screen or monitor before it is published. So therefore, it is your responsibility to use it if you ever need, in a way which other may not feel disturbed about. You agree that you will not upload, post, share, or otherwise distribute any content that is

1) Illegal, life threatening, racist, use of vulgar words, harassing someone specific in public, fake/deceptive, inappropriate images or videos, fraudulent or abusive content at all times.

2) Not to use any copyright material without the author’s prior permission, data violation of other third parties, patent or infringing trademarks of others.

3) No unauthorized or solicited advertisement using in our platforms.

4) Never to impersonate any person, including employees or representatives of our website.

We reserve the right to remove any material or post that does not comply with this User Agreement, along with any content which violates any 3rd party copyrights or trademarks, offensive, objectionable, vulgar or violent. You hereby consent to such removal, and consent to waive any claim against us if ever we remove such posts of yours that we find as mentioned earlier.

Limitation of Warranties

By using our website and its services, you acknowledge and agree that all resources and Services are ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ and that you agree to these warranties and guarantees that we do not give to our customers:

1) The use of our services will meet your desired requirements,

2) Our resources and services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure and always safe from errors,

3) Our resources will be always accurate and reliable and;

4) Any defects found on our resources will be immediately subject to be repaired or corrected

Furthermore, you understand and agree that:

5) Any content/data/resources downloaded from our website to your company if causes any loss or damage to your devices etc, our company won’t be held responsible about the matter.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall this website be held responsible under contract, tort, strict liability, negligence or other Legal theory with respect to the site, the service or any content (I) for any lost profits or Special, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever.


All content and materials available in this site are private property of Website Creators Inc and are copyright protected under trademark law. Any unauthorised reproduction, distribution, and transmission of such will be held responsible to whoever found guilty doing so unless he/she has taken permission from the webmaster/owners of the company.

Termination of Use

You agree that we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our website and its services without any prior notice given before if you have misconduct against our terms or have breached the User agreement. We may cease the Services provided by us to you and all of your data that we have on file with us such as login details and credentials may be removed as we have the right to do so.

Service Cancellation

You may cancel your ongoing subscription/contract with us upon successful payment has been made and with no further outstanding amount left with us. We have the right to hold your account unless full payment (if applicable) is settled and also file criminal lawsuit if damage has been made to our servers or networks coming from your device or location.

We reserve the right to cancel your subscription with us with valid reasons that we would send an e-mail before doing so and with prior notice for you to transfer/ re allocate your existing data from our servers to your desired place.

Governing Law

Website Creators Inc is controlled by our office and it can be easily located from all over the world. It is your responsibility to check your country laws before subscribing with us before requesting for our Services become available to you. Some countries have strict laws which don’t allow flexibility on the internet so after payments had been made and conflicts arise, WCI will not be responsible for any refunds or cover for any loss been made to you.

Please read the USER AGREEMENT carefully before joining to our site and the limitations of warranties that are applicable that we have stated with clear points.

Contact Information

If you would like to discuss further about our terms and conditions or wish to know more if you have any questions regarding it, please contact support centre of WCI and leave us a message.